Heavy Industries require specialized skills in handling products which can weigh more than a ton!
We design and build systems that can handle such loads with ease even in dusty and wet environments.
Our robust and rigid designs make the end-users feel secure with repect to quality, reliability and safety.
Precision Automation Industries demand high speeds and extreme accuracy.
We design equipment that can have very fast with accuracies down to a few microns. What's more, we can design equipment for controlled environments like Class 10 Cleanrooms with ESD controls
Our fast, reliable & precision automation equipment always meet the end-users high production rates with low maintenance and down-time.
We support the Bio-Medical Sector with niche automation solutions which are not available off-the-shelf. Our customized automated solutions are able to run high volume production processes like ultra-sonic spray coating, sand blasting and electro-polishing. We have even designed syringe pumps for radioactive medication dispensing!
We continue to invest in Research & Development activities to develop products and processes for the industry. This not only helps us to expand and enhabce our team skill sets but provides marketing opportunities for various sectors.
we provide application solutions, service support and procurement activities for Factory Automation Components.
This makes us a ONE STOP SHOP for our customers!